• cimsrc.edu.in
  • chitracollegeofnursing@gmail.com
Milma Dairy Visit
  • 20th August 2022

As a part of requirement of Community Health Nursing of 2nd year Bsc nursing of 30 students and 2 teachers of Chitra College of Nursing where visited the milma diary , Nariyapuram, Pathanamthitta on 20/08/2022, at 10.30 am. The plant officer Mr.Nazar Khan was welcomed us and introduced himself and about the plant. He explain the each and every processing of milk, milk pasteurization ,production of various milma products, waste management, staffing pattern, organizational structure etc in very detailed manner. This visit was very informative for the study of food hygiene production and preservation.

Arogya Mela
  • August 13th 2022

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness, On behalf of Kerala Government-Arogya Mela in various areas in Pathanamthitta District organized the health awareness programme in Pandalam block, Kulanada-PHC on 13.08.2022. Students of Chitra college of Nursing -IV & II Yrs, Faculties and our beloved Principal Prof. James Chacko NSS School of Nsg, Angawadi and Asha workers togetherly participated in this Mela. Senior Medical Officers inaugurated the function and key messages were given regarding Communicable & Non-communicable diseases. Preventive measures taken during any out-break of disease, etc... Thus we stepped into various health awareness rally on the Arogya Mela Yathra.

Independence Day Celebration
  • August 15th 2022

Chitra College of Nursing celebrated Independence Day observed with flag-hoisting ceremonies, parades and cultural events by ChairmanDr.L Jayachandran and beloved principal Prof. James Chacko graced the event with his presence as a Chief Guest whose wise words enlightened our students. Every year Independence Day, is celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm, however This Independence Day is especially significant as it marks 75 years of India’s Independence on 15th August, 2022, a momentous milestone in its journey since attaining freedom in 1947.