• cimsrc.edu.in
  • chitracollegeofnursing@gmail.com
Onam Celebration
  • September 1st & 2nd 2022

The wish that Maaveli was granted by Lord Vishnu was to be able to see his people once every year and Chitra college ensured that the sight he saw this year was a grand one indeed! Onam was celebrated in full traditional glory on August 1st and 2nd 2022. The day was fun filled with colourful Athapookalam and with various traditional games. On the first day outdoor and indoor activities of fun games separately for students and faculties were conducted and on day two cultural activities were caried out with fun. The competitions were held with active participation of both students and faculty that highlighted many memorable moments. The celebrations ended by delicious Onamsadhya.

NSS Day Celebration
  • September 24th 022

The National Service Scheme unit of Chitra College of Nursing observed the NSS day celebration on24/09/2022, the environment was taken as the concept of concernand cleaning activity was conducted in collaboration with students and faculties. A well scheduled activity was conducted on the same day with saplings distribution and making the surrounding clean with pollution free of plastics in land. All students actively participated.

Report On Anti-Drug Awareness Quiz Competition

As a part of ‘Lahari Vimuktha Keralam’ programme, an Anti-drug awareness quiz competition was held in Chitra college of Nursing, Pandalam on 10/10/2022 at 2:00 pm. There were four teams competing, which included two contestants each. The winners of the Quiz competition were Sandra Maria Syrez ( II year BSc Nursing ) and Yedhu Krishna ( II year BSc Nursing ) . Seco nd prize was won by Sreelakshmi Sathyan ( II Sem BSc Nursing) & Ashish B ( II Sem BSc Nursing).

Later on, the Principal, Prof. James Chacko spoke a few words about the Prevention of Drug Abuse among youngsters, followed by which, a Human chain was formed by all the students & faculties of Chitra college of Nursing, as a protest against Drug abuse. The programme got ended by 4:00 pm.

Our Future Plans
  • Conduct of National Seminar on Mental Health Nursing based on topic “Depression & Suicide prevention” December 2022
  • State level Seminar on “Developmental Crisis among Children” November 2022
  • Journal Club for students October 2022
  • Organizing Annual sports day October 2022
  • Educational Tour for IV Yr students November 2022
  • College day celebration October 2022
  • College Magazine December 2022
  • Medical camp October 2022
  • NSS activities in the adopted village